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Write a User Review for Gift Blooms

Tell us what you thought about Gift Blooms and why. Please be descriptive and give a balanced review. Write it as if you were talking to a friend.

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Please try to give a fair and balanced review - describe both the good points and bad points!

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Here are some review tips:

  • Would you choose Gift Blooms again?
  • What do you like about it?
  • What do you dislike and why?
  • Please try to give a fair and balanced review - describe both the pros and cons!
  • Please don't reference the Editor's Review - this is updated regularly, which may make any references to it out-of-date.
  • Avoid ranting - if you hated it, clearly explain your reasons for this
  • Do not state something as a fact unless you know it to be true! Stating your opinions as facts may mislead people.
  • Do not write in ALL CAPS. Your review will not be published if you do.
  • Do not include personal information like your address, e-mail address, phone number, etc.
  • Do not use profanity or inflammatory comments.
  • Do not copy and paste reviews from other sites or enter any copyrighted comments.
  • Do not include HTML or javascript - your review will not be published
  • Do not include references to other sites
  • Do not include pricing information (which will go out of date)
  • Do not use < and > triangular brackets - these are prohibited for security reasons!
  • Please take the time to proof-read your review for typos and grammatical errors before submitting it. A well written review is always easier to read.


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